Dental Veneers: 7 Fast Fixes

Addison Affordable Dentistry

This blog post from The Addison Dentist focuses on porcelain veneers, which are used extensively in cosmetic dentistry. Porcelain veneers (also called laminates) are custom made to permanently cover the front part of one or more teeth. Wafer-thin, super-strong veneers can remedy many cosmetic issues such as: Chips Cracks Stains Teeth that are misshapen Teeth…

Want Whiter Teeth?

Whiter Teeth for Addison

Teeth whitening has become very popular as an affordable, uncomplicated way to upgrade your smile with little effort and no pain. The Addison Dentist can help you understand your options for teeth whitening, and the results you may expect. Over-the-counter whitening systems can give varied improvements. From toothpastes to gels in whitening trays, some of these products…

Porcelain Veneers For A Vivid Smile in Addison TX

Affordable Cosmetic Dentistry in Dallas

Ever wished you could attach perfectly shaped, dazzling white front surfaces to your teeth? Guess what? With porcelain veneers, you can eliminate smile imperfections in just one visit to The Addison Dentist. Porcelain veneers are one of the most versatile items in a cosmetic dentist’s toolbox. Veneers turn unattractive smiles into brilliant smiles with minimal…

Sports Drinks Put Beautiful Smiles At Risk in Addison TX

Addison Dental Financing

Sports drinks have their place. They help keep electrolyte levels up in the body when we work out. But the team at The Addison Dentist has a warning: their acidity can erode tooth enamel. And when tooth enamel is compromised, that beautiful smile can fall victim to discoloration and decay. Nobody wants discolored teeth, so…

Porcelain Veneers And Instant Orthodontics in Addison TX

Addison Porcelain Veneers and Instant Orthodontics

If you’ve heard anything about orthodontics lately, you probably know about clear braces and speed braces. These new teeth straightening procedures have been welcomed as a great alternative to traditional metal braces. Another alternative available from The Addison Dentist is porcelain veneers. You read that right. You may already know that veneers attach to the…

Dental Anxiety? Sedation Dentistry in Addison TX

Relieving Your Dental Anxiety At The Addison Dentist

Millions of Americans cope with dental anxiety. There mere thought of sitting down in a dentist’s chair fills them with dread. In some cases, it’s so intense they’ll avoid the dentist altogether. If this sounds at all like you, you should know that the Addison Dentist provides patients with sedation dentistry to get you through…