Cosmetic Bonding

What is Dental Bonding?

If you have slightly chipped, discolored, or crooked teeth, dental bonding might be the right option for you. Dental bonding is a conservative aesthetic dentistry method to repair slightly damaged or unsightly teeth. The bonding process works by applying a color-matched composite resin to a damage tooth to improve its function and appearance. This material will “bond” with your teeth and will be trimmed, smoothed, and polished to give a natural appearance.


Dental bonding can be used on the front as well as the back of teeth depending on the location and extent of the area requiring restoration.


Thanks to the strength of modern adhesives and the natural look of tooth-colored restorations, dental bonding is just one more way you can seamlessly repair your smile.

How Can Dental Bonding Help?

  • Repair teeth that have cavities.
  • Repair teeth that are chipped or cracked.
  • Brighten discolored teeth.
  • Remove spaces or gaps between teeth.
  • Lengthen teeth.
  • Alter the shape of teeth to be more uniform in your smile.
  • Replace already existing metal fillings.
  • Can protect the tooth’s root that has been exposed when the gums recede.


Schedule an Aesthetic Dentistry Consultation in Addison!

Dental bonding is an easy and inexpensive aesthetic dentistry procedure. More visits may be required if several teeth are involved, but usually dental bonding can be performed in one office visit. Anesthesia isn’t even necessary.


Call, text, or email us today and let Dr. Shattuck of The Addison Dentist tell you more about dental bonding. The competent and caring team at The Addison Dentist are dedicated to giving you the best smile possible! We also serve the Farmers Branch area.

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