Let Us Ease Your Dental Anxiety

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Are you worried about seeing the dentist? Are you reluctant to discuss your smile with professionals? At The Addison Dentist we understand dental anxiety and have several solutions, including sedation dentistry.

Talk To Us:
Dental anxiety is more wide-spread than many people realize. Surveys indicate that as many as twenty percent of the American population put off, or even avoid, seeing the dentist due to their anxiety. Needless to say, this puts their dental health at risk.

Common signs of dental anxiety include:

  • Sleeplessness the night before an appointment
  • Nervous that increases in the waiting room
  • Feeling physically ill at the thought of a dentist appointment
  • Discomfort at the sights and smells in a dentist office

We have long experience with dental anxiety, and understand it completely. In many cases, talking about their concerns is enough to get many patients into our office. In others, sedation dentistry is the answer.

At The Addison Dentist we provide nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and oral conscious sedation, which involves taking a prescribed sedative before your appointment.

Don’t put your dental health at risk because of anxiety. In modern dentistry there is always a painless solution.

At The Addison Dentist, we provide general and cosmetic dentistry. Schedule an appointment with us today.

Contact The Addison Dentist:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

4145 Belt Line Rd Ste 208
Addison, Texas


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