5 Ways To Prevent A Cracked Tooth

cost of dental crowns Dallas

Cracked teeth can be painful, unattractive, and pricey to repair. Today’s post in the Addison Dentist dental blog contains an easy-to-follow list of tips to keep your teeth whole and strong. 1. Avoiding a cracked tooth means avoiding chewing on hard things. Mind-blowing, right? People should steer clear of ice, hard candies, hard nuts, popcorn,…

The Five Stages of a Cavity

stages of a cavity Addison

You may have heard that once tooth enamel is eroded, it’s gone forever. This is partially true, but in the earliest stage of enamel erosion, a cavity can be reversed. Reverse a cavity before it needs a filling If you can prevent cavities in young children, there’s a better chance that their teeth can stay…

Tooth Cavities Are An Urgent Problem That Demands Immediate Attention In Addison Texas

Tooth Cavities Are An Urgent Problem That Demands Immediate Attention In Addison Texas

Tooth cavities are a prevalent oral health issue that affects people of all ages and backgrounds in Addison Texas. While cavities may seem like a common occurrence, they are not to be taken lightly. Ignoring or delaying treatment for tooth cavities can have serious consequences for your oral health, overall well-being, and quality of life.…