Looking For A Red Carpet-Caliber Smile?

porcelain veneers price North Dallas

When you see pics of your favorite stars, do you ever wonder how these men and women can project such perfection? Can ordinary North Dallas folks ever achieve anything approaching celebrity-caliber attractiveness? When it comes to beautiful smiles, the answer is a resounding “Yes!” There are many effective cosmetic dentistry procedures available that can produce…

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

Affordable Addison Dentistry Sedation

There are numerous misconceptions about sleep dentistry. Let’s set the record straight about an important dental service. Myth #1: With Sedation Dentistry, You Are Completely Unconscious Some nervous dental patients are not only afraid of receiving treatment; they also fear the thought of not being in control. At The Addison Dentist, we offer different levels of sedation,…

Total Tooth Restoration

Total Tooth Restoration

Your face is always on display for others to see. You can’t hide it behind long sleeves, baggy jeans, or a hat. Many lucky Addison residents who have received smile makeovers at The Addison Dentist believe their dazzling new smile brightens their whole face. Some North Dallas professionals have corrected tooth problems prior to beginning…

Help Me, I’m Afraid Of The Dentist!

Dallas Sleep Dentistry

If you are afraid of your dentist, you are not alone. At The Addison Dentist, we encounter many nervous dental patients. How do we calm their fears, provide a comfortable dental environment, and earn lifelong patients? 1) We carefully explain the findings of the initial dental examination and thoroughly outline any recommended treatment. The consultation…

Worried About Dental Visits?

sleep dentistry Dallas

“How can I manage anxiety about visiting the dentist?” 1. Consider what the anxiety stems from. For example pain, injections, loss of control, personal space invasion, embarrassment about fear of the unknown. 2. Discuss these fears and concerns with your dentist. 3. Expect respectful consideration and open discussion about resolving fears. Dr. Jordana Contrucci has…