Keep Holidays Healthy For Your Teeth!

Addison dental financing

Who doesn’t love the holidays? They’re a time to take a break from your regular routine and spend time with friends and family. If you’re not careful, though, holiday celebrations can take a toll on your oral health. They often involve delicious food, drinks, and sweets that can put you at risk for decay and…

No Cavities? Thank Your Parents

how to prevent cavities Addison

At The Addison Dentist, we stay abreast of new discoveries in the exciting field of dentistry and occasionally share interesting facts with our patients. Today’s post focuses on new findings in a compelling field of research: genetic dentistry. “About 60% of the risk for tooth decay appears to be due to genetic factors.” Mary L.…

Common Myths About Cosmetic Dentistry

Common Myths about Addison Family Cosmetic Dentistry

Myth #1: Cosmetic Dentistry is Never Necessary for a Healthy Smile Many so-called Dallas cosmetic dental procedures are not solely cosmetic. Addison dental procedures such as tooth replacement prevent many potential problems such as tooth movement, bone loss, and difficulty chewing and speaking. Myth #2: An Addison Dental Bridge is the Only Way to Replace…

Photos with Santa

Want to avoid lines and costs of getting a cute Christmas photo with Santa or your family? Then come join our little party and let us handle the photo shoot! We will have a cookie decorating station for the kids to keep them busy until it’s their turn to smile for the camera. We have…

State Fair Invisalign Day

Interested in straightening your teeth? Considering Invisalign? Want to know if you’re a candidate? Through the whole month of October our practice is doing a fantastic promotion around Invisalign. If you’re a candidate for this and you book in October, you will receive the following: $500 off treatment – Your treatment includes: intraoral photos, impressions,…

Block Party!

What? We are welcoming back Dr. Rao from maternity leave with open arms by hosting a block party! We are blocking off our parking lot and celebrating with a bounce house for the kiddos, Easy Sliders food truck, live music by the Kelly Vaughn Band, and raffle prizes. Anyone is welcome. Free to attend! See…

Oral Health in Addison: Both Smoking And Vaping Put Your Smile At Risk

oral health in Addison

A recent study on the impacts of e-cigarettes on oral health in Addison has more bad news for people who believe vaping is less risky than smoking traditional cigarettes. In a study published in the journal Oncotarget, scientists concluded that e-cigarettes may cause chronic inflammation and permanent cellular degeneration. These conditions, in turn, can result in gingivitis,…

Replace A Missing Tooth With A Durable Dental Implant

Addison dental implants

Implants? Crowns? Veneers? Invisible braces? As dental technology and services have expanded in the Addison area, so has the vocabulary. Dentistry has advanced to provide many new solutions that address almost every possible dental problem. The team at The Addison Dentist is highly skilled in cosmetic and restorative procedures. In the past, if a patient…

Cosmetic Dentistry vs. General Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry In Addison TX

Hello, I’m Dr. Rao. Welcome to my Addison TX cosmetic dentistry blog. Today’s article focuses on the difference between general dentistry and cosmetic dentistry. General dentists in Addison are dedicated to preventing and treating oral disease such as cavities and gum disease. When a problem is diagnosed, let’s say, a cavity between two teeth, a…

Let’s Talk About It

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry
cosmetic dental Addison

Few physical improvements have such a significant impact on attractiveness and self-confidence as a smile makeover. Excellent oral health and a pleasing smile contribute to overall physical health and a high quality of life. If you have ever wondered how cosmetic dentistry could change your life, we invite you to schedule a consultation  at The…