When It’s Better Not To Brush

enamel erosion Dallas

Though thin and partially translucent, tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the body and has the important job of preserving teeth from constant use and the continual assault of chemicals in food and drink. Enamel also safeguards tooth nerves from hot and cold food and beverages. That’s why enamel loss often causes tooth sensitivity.…

Are You Watching For Cavities?

prevent cavities Addison

Did you know a cavity may be reversed? These tiny holes in our teeth caused by acidic tooth erosion can actually be prevented from getting worse and require filling. Currently, around 90% of adults have cavities and almost 30% have untreated cavities. However, by taking a few necessary precautions, we can stave off tooth decay…

Be Glad Dr. Rao Has X-Ray Vision

family dentist Addison

It’s not extremely comfortable. You have to put on the heavy apron, hold an awkward piece of film in your mouth, and sit really, really still while your dentist’s assistant takes x-rays. Is it really required? Absolutely! No question about it. Your dentist can’t see everything that is going on with your teeth, bone, and…

3 Ways To Minimize Candy Intake At Parties

Dallas Invisalign

Lock yourself in a closet. Sew your mouth shut. Wear a shock collar that’s sensitive to sugar particles. At The Addison Dentist we understand how hard it is to avoid sweets altogether at Halloween and other sugar-filled holidays. We encourage both unfettered joy and healthy living for all of our patients. Moderation in candy intake…

7 Ways Bonding Can Beautify

Dallas Cosmetic Dentist

Dental bonding is a popular cosmetic dentistry procedure in the Dallas area, but there are many patients who don’t know exactly what it is. Today in The Addison Dentist dental blog, we explain 7 ways dental bonding is used in cosmetic dentistry. The dental bonding procedure uses a resin material that is sturdy and tooth-colored.…

When Mommy Is Scared Of The Dentist

sleep dentistry Dallas

If you are dreading some upcoming dental treatment, you may want to consider oral conscious sedation. First off, oral conscious sedation or sleep dentistry is perfectly safe. At The Addison Dentist, we have been providing sedation since 2005. We offer different levels of sedation and a choice of medication including oral analgesics, nitrous oxide, and…

Smile More, Live Better

cosmetic dentistry Dallas

If you feel that you have an unattractive smile, you probably don’t smile very often. Perhaps you make a conscious effort to avoid showing your teeth in social and professional settings. Do you think frequent smiling has a compelling effect on your life? You bet it does. In addition to simply making us happier, smiling…